Privacy Policy

KBB GmbH (KBB) unites three institutions under one roof: The Berlin International Film Festival, the Berliner Festspiele with the Gropius Bau, and the Haus der Kulturen der Welt.

In this document we inform you about our processing of your personal data and of your rights under data protection law. The specific data we collect and how we use them depends on the service offered. If you have any questions about this, please contact the specified contact persons.

A. Who is responsible for the data processing, who is your contact person?

Body responsible for the data collection (“controller”):

Kulturveranstaltungen des Bundes in Berlin (KBB) GmbH
Schöneberger Straße 15
10963 Berlin, Germany
Tel +49 30 26 397-0 (Head Office)
Fax +49 30 26 397-397

The KBB Data Protection Officer can be contacted at
or at our postal address with the addition “The Data Protection Officer”.

B. Your rights

You have the following rights in your relationship with us with regard to the personal data relating to your person:Alt-Moabit 59-61, 10555 Berlin

  • Right to information
  • Right to correction or erasure
  • Right to restrict processing
  • Right to object to processing
  • Right to data portability,
  • Right of appeal to a data protection authority (responsible supervisory authority for Kulturveranstaltungen des Bundes in Berlin (KBB) GmbH is the Berliner Beauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit, Alt-Moabit 59-61, 10555 Berlin).

The competent supervisory authority for Kulturveranstaltungen des Bundes in Berlin (KBB) GmbH is the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, Graurheindorfer Str. 153, 53117 Bonn. 

To exercise your rights, please contact us at .

C. Which personal data do we process?

Which data we process in other contexts depends on the service used.


When you contact us by email, the data you submit to us (email address, name where given) are stored in order to respond to your inquiry. The data collected in this context are deleted as soon as their storage is no longer necessary.

1. Visit of our website, online journals or blogs

You can make use of our online offers with live streaming. In doing so, the processing of their data on the website depends on their usage behavior. Depending on the type of interaction, inventory data (e.g. first and last name), contact data (e.g. email address, phone number), IP address, technical information (e.g. browser type, device information) may be transmitted. Optionally, there is the possibility to share your microphone and/or video camera. In this case, voice data (when the microphone is released) and/or image and video data (when the camera is released) are processed and transmitted. In addition, third-party providers may also process data for service optimization purposes.

The legal basis for the processing of these data is Art. 6 (1) clause 1 (f) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

If you merely inform yourself on our websites, online journals or in our blogs about the content provided, we only process technically necessary data that your browser automatically transmits to our system. The processed data are: IP address, date and time of the request, content of the requests (specific page), the amount of data transferred, website sending the requests come, and browser ID.

The legal basis for the processing of these data is Art. 6 (1) clause 1 (f) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

For some of our applications, data are collected and stored for optimization purposes using the technologies of etracker GmbH. From this data (page view, dwell time, location of the call, information about your end device), usage profiles can be created under a pseudonym.

For other applications, we create pseudonymized user profiles using the same data (page view, dwell time, location of the call, information about your end device) via the web analytics software Matomo. The data processing takes place on our own servers.

We use these technologies to enable us to analyze the use of and continually improve our website.

For more information on etracker and Matomo, see "Service providers and third-party suppliers".

2. Subscribing to our newsletters or customer mailings

We are pleased that you would like to receive additional information about our houses and programs or subscribe to our newsletters. For a customer mailing or newsletter subscription - by email and/or post - you register on our websites and thus give us your consent. To receive our newsletters or participate in customer mailings, we require the following personal information: Name, email address or postal address.

In order to subscribe to our newsletter or participate in customer mailings, we require your consent, which is the legal basis for processing your data according to Art. 6 (1) clause 1 (a) GDPR.

To be able to prove your consent, we use a so-called double-opt-in procedure. This means that following your registration for subscription we will send you an email to the email address provided in which you are asked to confirm that you wish to receive the newsletter.

If you do not confirm your subscription, your information will be deleted after expiry of the confirmation deadline stated in the email.

You may revoke your consent to the transmission of the newsletter and unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time. You can declare revocation by clicking on the link provided in each newsletter email or by sending an email to .

If you revoke your consent, you will no longer be sent any newsletters in future.

In connection with the sending of our newsletters, we forward your data to the email marketing service provider Sendinblue GmbH (Brevo). For more information, see "Service providers and third-party suppliers". Detailed Information on cookies and browser settings can be found in Section E of this Privacy Policy.

In the case of a customer mailing or newsletter sent by post, we will forward your data to our service provider to prepare the shipment.

To ensure that an event or festival runs smoothly, it may be necessary to provide visitors with event-related information (e.g. on the safety concept) that comes directly from the organizer. For this purpose, we will pass on your e-mail address to the organizer. The legal basis for processing the data is Art. 6 (1) clause 1 (b) GDPR. 

As a press representative, we continually inform you about our events in the context of public relations reporting. In this context, we store the following data: Name, email address, phone number, emphasis, medium and company. The legal basis for the processing of your data is Art. 6 (1) clause 1 (f) GDPR. You may object to being sent this information at any time by sending an email to

3. Our online shops

When you order tickets or merchandising products in our online shop, we store the following data, which are required to conclude the contract: Name, address, phone number, email address, date of birth, payment details and products ordered. We use the online ticket system of Eventim and Ticket Gretchen for this purpose. For more information, see “Service providers and third-party suppliers”. The legal basis for this processing is the contractual relationship associated with the order according to Art. 6 (1) clause 1 (b) GDPR.

We store your data due to tax regulations for a period of five years.

4. Applications on our website

We are happy to receive your application. You can apply online on our website for advertised positions.

For this purpose, we use the online application tool from the company softgarden e-recruiting GmbH. Your data will be processed for the purpose of handling the application process on our behalf and in compliance with legal requirements. We have obliged the company to ensure and comply with data protection with a contract for order processing. When you use the application tool, you leave our website and are taken to the supplier’s website. For more information about softgarden, see “Service providers and third-party suppliers”.

As part of the application process, all the personal data you enter is processed: name, date of birth, contact data such as address, email address, telephone number, data on training, school-leaving qualifications and/or a degree, certificates, details of other qualifications such as language skills, PC knowledge, application photos, information on desired salary and work samples.

The legal basis for processing your data is the application procedure as a pre-contractual or contractual relationship Art. 6  (1) clause (b) GDPR.

We use the personal data you enter exclusively for processing your application for the advertised position. If we sign an employment contract with you, your data will be stored for the purpose of processing the employment relationship and in compliance with the legal requirements.

If your application is unsuccessful, we hope that you will apply again to another position. We erase your data six months after you have been notified of the rejection. However, if you wish and consent, we will keep your documents in our application talent pool from softgarden e-recruiting GmbH for future job offers. In this case, your data will be deleted after twelve months. However, consent given to be included in the pool can be revoked at any time.

5. My Program / My Daily Planner (Berlinale)

To help you prepare for your visit to the Berlinale or the EFM (European Film Market), we offer you the service My Program/My Daily Planner. In order to save your favorite program you will need to create an account. For this purpose, we store the following personal data via a "My Account" user account: Name and email address. If you are interested in the Berlinale Generation program and are not at least 16 years of age, you will need to ask your parent or legal guardian to do this for you.

Once your account has been created you will be able to mark favorite programs. We will then save your chosen favorites. We do this on the basis of a contractual or pre-contractual relationship (Art. 6 (1) clause 1 (b) GDPR).

We delete your favorite programs at the end of each festival season. We delete your account three years after its last use.

6. Accreditation and film registration for the Berlinale or the European Film Market (EFM)

We are delighted that you wish to be accredited for the Berlinale or the EFM or wish to submit a film to the Berlinale.

In order to enable you to participate, we store the following personal data: gender, title(s), name, address, company and position in the company, phone number, email address, language of communication, website, date of birth, place of birth, length of stay, your payment details if applicable, your hotel in Berlin if applicable, nationality, country of origin, primary area of work, contribution to selected Berlinale film if applicable, portrait photograph and your professional identification (e.g. press pass).If a film is submitted, we will also store the data related to the film and, if necessary, the film file itself. In addition, we will store your participation in Berlinale and EFM events.

We pass on these data to external service providers if this is necessary to fulfill our contractual relationship with you. If a film is submitted, we will pass your data on to the selection juries, whom we have obliged to observe to data protection. If you participate in the festival, the data will be forwarded in order to organize the festival security, your hotel accommodation, the Berlinale chauffeur service and the provision of your tickets. This concerns festival security, your hotel accommodation, the Berlinale transport service and the provision of your tickets.

If you register your child for the Berlinale Kids Package or the Berlinale Kindergarten, we will store the first and last name as well as the age of your child, if applicable the first and last name(s) and telephone number(s) of any additional caregivers and the native language of your child, your address in Berlin, as well as the registered hours and days during which your child is to be cared for. We will pass on your child's data and the data of the other caregiver(s) to the institution we have commissioned with the care.

If you require a visa to enter the country, we will inform the Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany in order to support your visa application. This processing of your data is performed in order to fulfill our obligations arising in connection with your film submission or your accreditation (including registration for the Berlinale Kids Package or Berlinale Kindergarten) (Art. 6 (1) clause 1 (b) GDPR).

In individual cases, we may need to pass on your data (name, place and date of birth) to the competent authorities for security reasons. The legal basis for the disclosure of the data is a weighing of interests (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). You may object to this form of processing and the disclosure at any time by sending an email to .

At the same time, the Berlinale is one of the largest film festivals in the world and a meeting point of the international film scene. The EFM is one of the largest film fairs in the world. In order to safeguard our legitimate interests, we publish your data as participants and make them available to other members of the film industry who are involved in the festival. In the interest of networking the international film scene, we provide your personal data (first and last name, company name, email address) to our partners in the international film scene (including Variety Media, LLC, The Hollywood Reporter, LLC and MBI Ltd.) in third-party countries. They are obliged to guarantee the security of your data and to delete your data at the end of the festival season. Furthermore, we use your data to invite you to future festivals and inform you about our program. This processing of your data is performed on the basis of a weighing of interests (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). You may object to this form of processing and the disclosure at any time by sending an email to .

Due to their significance for the history of film, the data relating to your participation in the Berlinale or a submitted film will be stored permanently. In accordance with the provisions of commercial law, we store the data relating to your participation in the EFM for a period of ten years. If we reject your accreditation in individual cases, we will delete your data at the end of the festival season.

7. Berlinale Guest Management

The invitation and guest management for the Opening and Award Ceremony are organised in the digital guest management portal. The purpose of this is to ensure a smooth processing of the invitation and guest management before and during the Berlinale.We process the following personal data: Title, first name, last name, name of the companion(s), job/company name/agency and email address.The processing of personal data serves to facilitate the processing of the digital invitation management for the Opening and Award Ceremony of the Berlin International Film Festival. We pass on these data to external service providers if this is necessary to fulfill our contractual relationship with you. The legal basis for this is Article 6 (1) clause 1 (b) GDPR. We will delete this data after each Berlinale.

8. Application to Berlinale Talents

Berlinale Talents is a worldwide talent promotion platform for film and series creators. We’re delighted about your interest in us!

If you wish to submit an application you must first create an account. For this purpose, we save the following personal data: Name, address, email address, telephone number, date of birth, age, gender, nationality, country of origin, film projects and areas of work.

Once you have created your account, we would be delighted to receive your application. For this purpose, we store all additional information by you: Social media account, company/university, portrait photograph, artistic work and career, educational path and the samples of your artistic work which you have provided.

We also pass on your data to the selection juries of our Talents Programs, who are contractually committed to us to comply with data protection. If you are selected for participation, we will also forward your data to external service providers. This concerns your hotel accommodation, the festival moderators, embassies and sponsors who provide financial support and enable your participation, and the provision of your tickets.

We process your data in order to fulfill our obligations arising from your participation (Art. 6 (1) clause 1 (b) GDPR). The disclosure of your data to our service providers is likewise performed in the context of our contractual obligations.

If you do not want to participate in Berlinale Talents in Berlin, but in the Talents Initiative of one of our partners worldwide, we will make your data available to our partners.

In addition, we store your data in order to inform you about programs and worldwide Talents Initiatives in the future. We also publish your data in our publications and enable all former and current participants in the festival to access a selection of their data (name, country of origin, place of participation, sample of work) via our website. Berlinale Talents is a forum for film and series creators and providing this forum as a network to young artists is part of our mission to promote talent. This form of data processing and disclosure therefore takes place on the basis of a weighing of interests (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). You may object to this form of processing and the disclosure at any time by sending an email to .

If you have been selected to participate in one of the Talents Initiatives, we will store your data permanently for archiving purposes.

If your application was unsuccessful, we regret this and hope that you will apply again. Five years after your last application, we will assume that you are no longer interested in our programs and will delete your data.

9. Submissions to the World Cinema Fund

We are delighted that you submitted your project to the World Cinema Fund (WCF). For this purpose, we store all information by you and the following personal data: Name, company, producer, director, scriptwriter, any other persons involved, samples of work and curricula vitae of producers and directors.

We pass on your data to the selection committees of our festival, who are contractually committed to us to comply with data protection. If you are invited to participate, we will forward your data to external service providers and partners. This will, if applicable, concern your accommodation and our cooperation partners, the German Federal Cultural Foundation (“Kulturstiftung des Bundes”) and the Federal Foreign Office. We store your data in order to fulfill our obligations arising from your participation (Art. 6 (1) clause 1 (b) GDPR). The same applies to the disclosure of your data to the specified service providers and cooperation partners.

In addition, we store your data in order to inform you about programs and initiatives of the WCF in the future. We also publish your data in our publications. Our formats are a forum for film creators. This form of data processing and disclosure therefore takes place on the basis of a weighing of interests (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). You may object to this form of processing and the disclosure at any time by sending an email to .

If your application for funding is successful, we will store your data permanently for archiving purposes.

If your application for funding is unsuccessful, we regret this and hope that you will submit further projects to the WCF in future. In this case, personal data will be deleted five years after submission.

10. Submissions to the Berlinale Co-Production Market

We are delighted that you submitted your project to the Co-Production Market. For this purpose, we store all information by you and the following personal data: Name, company, address, email address, phone number, company profile, area of work, cast details and links to samples of work.

We pass on your data to our selection juries, who are contractually committed to us to comply with data protection. If you are selected for participation, we may also pass on your data to our cooperation partners Creative Europe MEDIA and MDM Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung. We store your data in order to fulfill our obligations arising from your participation (Art. 6 (1) clause 1 (b) GDPR). The same applies to the disclosure of your data to the specified cooperation partners.

In addition, we store your data in order to inform you about our programs and initiatives in the future. We make your data available in the login area to other participants in the Co-Production Market and participants in the EFM to enable them to contact you. We may also disclose your data to public institutions for statistical or academic purposes. Our formats are a forum for internationally active producers and financiers and it is part of our mission, the promotion of promising young talent and of access to the market for European and international film creators, to provide participants with a forum. This form of data processing and disclosure therefore takes place on the basis of a weighing of interests (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). You may object to this form of processing and the disclosure at any time by sending an email to .

The name, company address and contact data of the participants who consent to this in their application are disclosed to the online platform in order to activate your temporary free use of the platform, on which you can watch the previous films of directors of the selected projects. The legal basis for this is Art. 6 (1) clause 1 (a) GDPR.

If your application for participation in the Co-Production Market is successful, your data will be stored permanently for archiving purposes.

If your application is unsuccessful, we regret this and hope that you will apply again. Five years after your last application, we will assume that you are no longer interested in our programs and will delete your data.

11. B2B site of the Berlinale

B2B is a platform which we provide to future and current sponsors of the Berlinale. In order to enable future partners to enter into a collaboration this way, we collect the following personal data: Name, company and email address.

We store the following personal data about our current sponsors: Name of contact person, company and email address.

The data are provided to other sponsors of the Berlinale.

We store your data to meet our obligations arising from our partnership (Art. 6 (1) clause 1 (b) GDPR). At the same time, we wish to enable our sponsors to collaborate with other partners at the festival presentation. On the basis of a weighing of interests (Art. 6 (1) clause 1 (f) GDPR), we therefore pass on your data to other sponsors. You may object to this form of processing and the disclosure at any time by sending an email to .

We delete these data at the end of the partnership or if there is no prospect of a future partnership.

12. Berlinale Portal for service providers

Our service providers and suppliers register their employees in the Berlinale portal. This contributes to the smooth running of the Berlinale. In this context we process the following personal data: name of company, name of employee, role at Berlinale, date of birth, place of birth, maiden name, private address and portrait photo.

We process the data for the following purposes:The processing of personal data serves to facilitate the provision of the contracted services, including the issuing of access passes as well as the granting of access rights to venues subject to specific security regulations.

The legal basis for this is Article 6 (1) clause 1 (b) GDPR. We will delete this data five weeks after each Berlinale at the latest.

13. Application to the Treffen junge Szene of the Berliner Festspiele

We are delighted about your interest in our young talent festivals. If you wish to submit an application you will first need to create an account. For this purpose, we save the following personal data: Address, email address and phone number. Please note that accounts can only be opened by persons aged 16 or above. If you are below this age, please ask your parent or legal guardian to open an account for you. If you are below this age limit, we are only authorized to process your data if your parent or legal guardian has consented.

Once you have created your account, we would be delighted to receive your application. For this purpose, we store all information submitted by you: Name, address, date of birth, gender, artistic work and career, type of education and the samples of your artistic work which you have provided.

We pass on your data to the selection juries of our festivals, who are contractually committed to us to comply with the requirements of data protection law.

If you are selected for participation, we will also forward your data to external service providers. This concerns your hotel accommodation and the provision of your tickets.

We store your data in order to fulfill our obligations arising from your participation (Art. 6 (1) clause 1 (b) GDPR). The disclosure of your data to our service providers is likewise performed in the context of our contractual obligations.

In addition, we store your data in order to inform you about the programs and initiatives of our talent promotion scheme in the future. We also publish them in our publications and on our website. Our young talent programs are a forum for young artists, and it is part of our mission, the promotion of young talent, to provide young artists with this forum. This form of data processing therefore takes place on the basis of a weighing of interests (Art. 6 (1) clause 1 (f) GDPR). You may object to this form of processing and the disclosure at any time by sending an email to .

If you have been selected for our young talent programs, we will store your data permanently for archiving purposes.

If your application was unsuccessful, we regret this and hope that you will apply again. Five years after your last application, we will assume that you are no longer interested in our programs and will delete your data.

14. Open Calls and Workshops (Call for participation in artistic and scientific programms and workshops)

We welcome your application to our open calls and workshops for different artistic und scientific programms. For this purpose we store all information you provide to us, including your personal data.We disclose your personal data to our selection panel. The members of the selection panel are representatives of our cooperation partners. These have been contractually bound to comply with the applicable data privacy regulations. We store your personal data in order to comply with our obligations resulting from your participation (Art. 6 (1) clause 1 (b) GDPR). This also applies to the disclosure of your data to our national and international cooperation partners, who have been contractually bound to comply with the applicable data privacy regulations.Additionally we use your data to inform you about our programs and initiatives in the future. This processing and disclosure of your data is based on a balancing of interests (Art. 6 (1) clause 1 (f) GDPR). You can object to this processing and disclosure of your personal data at any time by e-mailing us at . If your application is successful, we will permanently store your personal data for record purposes. If your application is not successful, we regret this and we will delete your personal data after the end of the application period.

D. Additionally used technologies

The following service providers provide services on our websites.

When you access the corresponding site, your browser will download the contents directly from the third-party provider. This lets the third-party provider know which of our websites you are visiting. As the web service provider, we have no knowledge about the data collected by the third-party provider. Please consult the websites of the providers for information about the terms of use and the privacy policies. If you have a user account with the third-party provider, the provider may link this information to your account. Third-party providers may use cookies. If you generally do not wish cookies to be used, please configure your browser accordingly. Detailed information about this can be found in Section F of this Privacy Policy. The use of these technologies takes place on the basis of a weighing of interests Art. 6 (1) clause 1 (f) GDPR.

Service providers and third-party suppliers

All personal data is processed by us or by our service providers with whom we have concluded data processing agreements.

If we process data in a third country, i.e. outside the European Union or the European Economic Area, this is done in accordance with the legal requirements.


We use the online ticket system of Eventim and Ticket Gretchen on our websites and

CTS Eventim AG & Co. KGaA, Contrescarpe 75-A, 28195 Bremen, Germany

Ticket Gretchen GmbH, Mariahilferstr. 109/20, 1060 Wien, Austria


We use the following map services to show you the location and directions to our homes and other places of interest to you:

Google Maps

Google Maps is used on the websites and
Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA


We use OpenStreetMap on the website.
Openstreetmap Foundation, St. John´s Innovation Centre, Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WS, Great Britain

Security measures

We use the following service provider on our websites for the purpose of secure encrypted data transmission on the Internet, to optimize global website performance and to improve security and protection against cyber attacks:

Myra Security GmbH, Landsberger Str. 187, 80687 München.

Display of audio and video content

We use the following service providers and third parties on our websites to display videos, play audio files, and conduct video and audio conferences/meetings and webinars:


We use videos from the ARTE media library on the websites and .
ARTE GEIE, 4 quai du Chanoine Winterer, 67000 Strasbourg, France.


We use Brightcove on the websites and to display videos.
Brightcove Inc., 290 Congress Street, Boston, MA 02210, USA


We use the hosting service on the websites and .

Podigee GmbH, Schlesische Straße 20, 10997 Berlin

Further information and objection options can be found at


We use videos from the rbb media library on the website
Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (rbb), Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts, Masurenallee 8-14, 14057 Berlin, Germany



We use solutions of serve-u on the websites and to display live streams and videos.

serve-u technical support Buchholz & Sünderhauf GbR, Kamminer Str. 7, 10589 Berlin, Germany


We use SoundCloud on the websites , and to play audio files.
SoundCloud Ltd., Legal Team, Rheinsberger Str. 76/77, 10115 Berlin, Germany


We use Spotify on the website to play audio files.
Spotify AB, Regeringsgatan 19, SE-111 53 Stockholm, Sweden


We use TOP-IX on the websites and to display Livestreams and videos.
CONSORZIO TOP-IX, via Maria Vittoria 38 – 10123 Torino, Italy


We use Vimeo to display videos on the websites and / to provide an inclusive cultural offering with live streaming. 
Vimeo, Inc., 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York 10011, USA


We use Youtube on the websites and to display Videos.
The provider is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.


We use videos from the ZDF media library on the website
Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen, Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts, ZDF-Straße 1, 55127 Mainz, Germany


We use Zoom for the purpose of conducting video and audio conferences/ meetings and webinars.
Zoom Video Communications, Inc., 55 Almaden Blvd., Suite 600, San Jose, CA 95113, USA

Social network presences

We maintain online presences within social networks in order to communicate with users active there or to offer information about us and our activities.

If you are logged into your social media account and visit our social media presence, the operator of the social media portal can assign this visit to your user account. However, your personal data may also be collected under certain circumstances if you are not logged in or do not have an account with the respective social media portal. In this case, this data collection takes place, for example, via cookies that are stored on your terminal device or by recording your IP address.

Your user behavior can generally be analyzed extensively and used for market research and advertising purposes when you visit their website. We would like to point out that your data may be processed outside the European Union. This may result in risks for you because, for example, it may be more difficult to enforce your rights. For details, please refer to the terms of use and data protection provisions of the respective social media portals.

Bluesky Social
The provider is Bluesky PBLLC, Seattle, Washington, United States.


The provider is Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Irland.


The provider is Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Irland.


The provider is LinkedIn Irland Unlimited Company, Wilton Plaza Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Irland.


The provider is Twitter International Company, One Cumberland Place, Fenian Street Dublin 2, D02 AX07 Ireland


XING AG, Dammtorstraße 29-32, 20354 Hamburg


Web analytics

We use technologies to analyse and regularly improve our websites. For the evaluation of visitors to our online offers (web analysis) and for personalised advertising, we work with the technologies of etracker and Matomo. You can object to personalised advertising on our website at any time or send an e-mail to  If you do not wish to receive cookies, please configure your browser accordingly.


For some of our applications on the websites and we use the technologies of etracker for optimisation purposes. 
etracker GmbH, Erste Brunnenstraße 1, 20459 Hamburg .

You can prevent the use of e-tracker by following the instructions in the links of the corresponding site and thereby activating the opt-out plug-in:


We use Matomo to analyse and regularly improve our website.
Matomo is an open source web analytics platform,

Presentation of publications

1000° Epaper

We use the 1000° Epaper solution on the websites and to display various publications of our houses.
1000° digital - Gesellschaft für Multimedia- und E-Commerce mbH, Mozartstr. 3, 04107 Leipzig, Germany


Applicant management services


On our website we use the online application tool from softgarden.
softgarden e-recruiting GmbH, Tauentzienstraße 14, 10789 Berlin, Germany

Booking management services


We use the booking tool cituro on the site so that events can be booked in advance by EFM participants.

Cituro GmH, Peter-Dörfler-Straße 30, 86199 Augsburg

Google Forms

On our website we use Google Forms to provide online application forms for the WCF. 

Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland.


Sendinblue (Brevo)

In connection with the dispatch of our newsletter, we work together with the email marketing service provider Sendinblue GmbH (Brevo).
Sendinblue GmbH, Köpenicker Straße 126, 10179 Berlin, Germany

We use these technologies to make our newsletter more customer-oriented and to increase its attractiveness. We use cookies for this purpose. If you do not wish cookies to be used, please set your browser accordingly.

E. Technical notes

When you use our website, cookies are stored on your computer. Certain functions of the website require the transmission of cookies as a technical basis. If you do not wish to receive cookies, please configure your browser accordingly. Please note that certain functions will then only be available to a limited extent.

Cookies are data packages which are exchanged between your browser and the website. They serve the purpose of storing information across several website visits, for example to allocate shopping carts or implement a website registration. They enable identifications to be transferred securely in your network. Your browser stores the cookies on your computer. Cookies cannot execute applications and are not viruses.

You can determine how you wish cookies to be handled in your browser settings. In this way, you may generally reject the setting of cookies or turn on notifications when cookies are set. Your browser settings also allow you to check which cookies have been stored, and the content of these cookies. Information about rejecting cookies in the most common browsers can be found below:

Where third-party providers are involved, these may also use cookies. This allows third-party providers to track your internet usage across several websites. The transfer of cookies to third-party providers can be reviewed in your browser settings. The loading of third-party provider contents can be managed through extensions, such as “NoScript”, “AdBlock” or “uBlock Origin”.

Version: August 2024